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Mission Cataract 2013: Applications Being Accepted for Free Eye Surgery

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For the 18th consecutive year, Center For Sight is offering free cataract and other vision-saving surgeries to those in need. The application window is now open and will close at end of business on Friday March, 29. To obtain an application, visit or call 941-480-2143.


To qualify, patients must have poor vision due to cataracts that are uncorrectable with glasses or have another surgically treatable condition; have no Medicare, Medicaid, or third-party insurance coverage; have no other means to pay for surgery; have an income level at or below federal poverty guidelines; and be a United States resident. The goal of Mission Cataract 2013 is to eradicate blindness due to cataracts or other surgically treatable eye conditions.


The surgeries will be performed in June by Dr. David Shoemaker, Dr. William Lahners, Dr. Joshua Kim and Dr. William Soscia. Last year, Center For Sight performed more than 80 free cataract surgeries as well as one corneal transplant. A number of patients with retina conditions were also given free treatment through this program.


To ensure ongoing funding of these charitable efforts, Center For Sight Foundation, a donor-advised fund of Gulf Coast Community Foundation, was formed in 2012. Its mission is to see beyond the financial circumstances of those in need and to deliver sight saving surgery, so that no one suffers visual loss due to a surgically treatable condition.


One hundred percent of every dollar donated to Center For Sight Foundation goes directly to help purchase pre-operative, surgical and post-operative medications and supplies, including the artificial lenses that are implanted into patients’ damaged eyes. Center For Sight’s nationally recognized ophthalmologic and optometric physicians, individually contribute their services. In addition, Center For Sight also donates the use of its state-of-the-art, AAAHC-accredited surgery center.


“I have witnessed firsthand the impact that vision loss can have on people’s lives,” said Dr. David Shoemaker, Founder, CEO and Director of Cataract and Lens Replacement Surgery at Center For Sight. “I feel strongly that people should not lose their vision to a surgically treatable condition due to financial hardship. I’m so grateful that the philanthropic community has embraced this cause. Their support ensures we can continue to transform people’s lives by bringing them out of the darkness and back to full, productive lives.”


About Center For Sight
With locations throughout Southwest Florida, Center For Sight is one of the nation’s leading multi-disciplinary physician groups providing patients worldwide with advanced healthcare in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, cosmetic facial surgery and hearing services. Under the clinical direction of David W. Shoemaker, M.D., and William J. Lahners, M.D., F.A.C.S., and Joshua Kim, M.D., Center For Sight has eight offices serving Manatee, Sarasota and Charlotte counties. For more information, visit

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Written by Center for Sight

Center For Sight is one of the nation’s leading multi-disciplinary physician groups. We provide ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology, and aesthetic services. With several locations throughout Southwest Florida, we proudly offer our patients convenient access to nationally-renowned surgeons, compassionate staff members, and cutting-edge technology.

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