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Category: Cataracts

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A Complete Guide to Cataract Surgery Recovery: How to Ensure a Smooth Healing Process

Complete Guide to Cataract Surgery Recovery

Reviewed by: Dr. Jon Berlie Did you know that nearly 4 million cataract surgeries are performed in the U.S. every year? With numbers projected to rise to 6 million by 2030, cataract eye surgery has become one of the most common medical procedures.  But while the surgery is straightforward, what happens afterward is just as […]

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Laser Cataract Surgery for High Myopia: Correcting Vision Beyond Cataracts

Laser Cataract Surgery for High Myopia

People with high myopia encounter distinct challenges, but cataract eye surgery can significantly help these patients. High myopia, or severe nearsightedness, necessitates a correction through glasses of -6.00 diopters or higher and is occasionally termed degenerative or pathological myopia. Typically, the eye’s growth stabilizes when a person reaches between 20 and 30 years of age. […]

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Revolutionizing Vision Correction: The Science Behind Light Adjustable Lenses

Science Behind Light Adjustable Lenses

The field of ophthalmology has made breakthroughs with the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) from RxSight, changing the nature of post-cataract surgery vision correction. This innovative technology is exclusively produced by Center For Sight and is the only option for this technology available on the market. The premium lens allows precision adjustments to vision after surgery. […]

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Floaters After Cataract Surgery: Is It Normal?

Technology surrounding the close up of an eye to examine for floaters after cataract surgery

Cataract surgery can help you see clearly again when cataracts significantly affect your vision, making it hard to see, read, or recognize facial expressions. It’s a procedure where your surgeon removes the eye’s cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial lens. While cataract surgery can help improve your vision, some patients may notice eye […]

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What Is the Recovery Time for Cataract Surgery?

A birds eye view of a patient undergoing cataract surgery

Vision care starts with consistency, and visiting your optometrist for regular eye exams can help ensure you’re enjoying optimal vision. Your optometrist can also check for the development of eye diseases such as cataracts.  When cataracts advance to a stage where they begin preventing you from activities of daily life such as reading or driving, […]

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Can an Eye Exam Detect Cataracts?

A female optometrist examining an older man's eyes

Cataracts often come with little to no symptoms in their early stages. So, how can preventative eye care keep us ahead of potential eye problems? There are several ways that your optometrist can test your eyes for cataracts. Typically, a comprehensive eye exam includes testing for cataracts and other potential issues with your eyes. Receiving […]

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How Long Does It Take To Recover from Cataract Surgery

As we age, our body changes, including our eyes.  Cataracts often develop due to aging, and the only way to remove them is with surgery. Laser cataract surgery may sound daunting, but it typically takes 5 minutes to perform!  When it comes to recovery, it’s short and uncomplicated as long as you are in good […]

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Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery?

When cataracts obscure your vision, surgery is one of your only options. Your doctor can help you recover your vision, but medical procedures can be costly. If you have Medicare, can it help cover the cost of your cataract surgery?  Continue reading to learn more about cataract surgery, including how it works and how you […]

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