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Center For Sight is proud to announce our 2014 STARS of the Year!

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An anonymous panel pours through the many STARS received by our staff to determine three individuals that best exemplify the high standards we strive for at Center For Sight. Center For Sight Team Members received almost 2,000 STARS last year from patients, physicians and fellow employees.


Our highest honor, the GOLD STAR, goes to Brooke Dykstra. She is a Certified Ophthalmic Assistant on Dr. Mestrezat’s team. Brooke received four STARS for her exceptional concern and care for a patient. A patient came into the Sarasota office as an ER with sudden loss of vision. It was determined that he would need to have surgery later that day. He had driven from his home in Venice alone because he had just moved to Florida and didn’t have any friends or family in the area. Center For Sight van transportation was arranged to get him home from surgery, but there were a few problems. He didn’t have anyone to drive his car home, let out his dog for a needed walk, and no way to pick-up his post-op prescriptions. Brooke volunteered to help, following the patient home to Venice and walking his dog. She then went to get his prescriptions. When all that was complete, Brooke drove the patient back up to the ASC, and even gave the patient her personal cell phone number in case he had any problems in the evening following surgery. She went out of her way for the welfare of this patient. Center For Sight is very PROUD of Brooke’s dedication to our patients.


Our second-highest honor, the SILVER STAR, was awarded to Barbara Ellison. Barbara is the Sarasota office’s Front Office Supervisor. Barbara went above and beyond in caring for a patient. An immobile patient came to the office in a motorized chair for emergency surgery, but was not accompanied by a caregiver. Following the surgery, the patient had an eye patch, and was forced to wait for a car service to pick her up. Barbara continued to monitor how the patient was doing as she waited. Unfortunately, after two and half hours, the car service still hadn’t arrived and it was now well past 5:00 pm. Barbara was a true hero, driving the patient home, going inside her house to get her walker because she didn’t have her motorized chair, and making sure she was secure and comfortable. At her post-op the patient couldn’t say enough wonderful things about the care she received. Barbara went above and beyond and showed true Compassion and Intentional Excellence.


Our BRONZE STAR was awarded to Amy Cocks. Amy is an Optician in our Venice office. Amy’s actions warranting STAR are just another example of how dedicated and loyal she is to Center For Sight. The lobby can be very hectic, but Amy always greets each patient with a smile and positive attitude, even if there are concerns the visitors are up to no good. Amy noticed that two individuals in our optical department were acting very suspicious, but kept a level head and stayed patient; making sure none of the other patients in the lobby were alerted or alarmed. As soon as she realized the two were shoplifting, she approached them professionally and asked them about the missing merchandise. They refused to produce the missing glasses, and quickly left the building. Amy did everything possible to make sure they could and/or would be apprehended. She gave great details of their description to the police and even ran after their car to obtain the license plate, which was also very helpful to the local law enforcement, but very dangerous. Outstanding and brave job!

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Written by Center for Sight

Center For Sight is one of the nation’s leading multi-disciplinary physician groups. We provide ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology, and aesthetic services. With several locations throughout Southwest Florida, we proudly offer our patients convenient access to nationally-renowned surgeons, compassionate staff members, and cutting-edge technology.

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