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Personalized Vision Correction: Understanding the Role of Light Adjustable Lenses

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Personalized Vision Correction: Understanding the Role of Light Adjustable Lenses

Role of Light Adjustable Lenses for Vision Correction

Laser cataract surgery sometimes requires adjustments post-operation, depending on how the eye heals and responds to treatment. Now, with the innovation of Light-Adjustable Lenses, those adjustments can be made without any additional surgery. This blog explores Light-Adjustable Lenses in cataract treatment and how these lenses work in other laser correction surgeries, such as LASIK treatment.  […]

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Laser Cataract Surgery for High Myopia: Correcting Vision Beyond Cataracts

Laser Cataract Surgery for High Myopia

People with high myopia encounter distinct challenges, but cataract eye surgery can significantly help these patients. High myopia, or severe nearsightedness, necessitates a correction through glasses of -6.00 diopters or higher and is occasionally termed degenerative or pathological myopia. Typically, the eye’s growth stabilizes when a person reaches between 20 and 30 years of age. […]

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