F. Rick Palmon, M.D.

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Dr. Rick Palmon, M.D. - LASIK, Corneal and Cataract & Lens Replacement Surgeon

F. Rick Palmon, M.D.

LASIK, Corneal and Cataract & Lens Replacement Surgeon

Dr. Palmon is a board-certified, fellowship-trained cataract, refractive and corneal surgeon. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Biology from Georgetown University, graduating magna cum laude, and then received his medical degree from the Tulane University School of Medicine. He completed his internal medicine internship at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, followed by a residency at Wills Eye Institute at Thomas Jefferson University. His fellowship in cornea and refractive surgery was completed at the University of Minnesota. 

Dr. Palmon specializes in premium cataract and lens replacement surgery, as well as laser vision correction with LASIK, Epi-LASEK and implantable lenses. He is sure to employ the most advanced treatments available for his patients including corneal cross-linking and corneal transplantation with Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK). Dr. Palmon also provides medical and surgical treatments for glaucoma

Dr. Palmon is a diplomate of the American Board of Ophthalmology and certified by the American Board of Eye Surgery in refractive surgery. He is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Medical Association, American Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery and the International Society of Refractive Surgery to name a few. He has authored numerous scientific articles in ophthalmology journals and is a frequent speaker at ophthalmic symposia. 

Originally from Philadelphia, he moved to Florida in 1994. He and his wife are empty nesters, having raised four adult children. In his spare time he enjoys tennis, biking, skiing and golfing. 

Locations served: Southwest Florida Eye CareNaples, Fort Myers, Cape Coral

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