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World-Renowned Golf Instructor David Leadbetter Undergoes Vision-Restoring Surgery at Center For Sight

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Center For Sight, one of the leading eye care practices in the United States, is proud to be the provider of sight-restoring Laser Cataract Surgery for world-renowned golf instructor David Leadbetter. The procedure was performed by David W. Shoemaker, M.D., Founder and Director of Cataract and Lens Replacement Surgery at Center For Sight, at the Center For Sight Sarasota location on December 8 and 9, 2014. “When cataracts began to obstruct my vision, they also affected my way of life,” said Leadbetter. “Laser Cataract Surgery with Dr. Shoemaker gave me the clear vision I need to continue doing the work I love. He is highly experienced, exceptionally knowledgeable, and a true master at his craft.”


Internationally recognized as one of the world’s greatest golf instructors, David Leadbetter garnered universal notice in the 1980s when he rebuilt the swing of Nick Faldo, who then went on to win six major championships. Leadbetter now runs an international chain of golf academies headquartered at the ChampionsGate Golf Club in Davenport, Florida, and located elsewhere in the United States, Europe and Asia. Leadbetter’s students have included Nick Price, Greg Norman, Ernie Els, Charles Howell III, Michelle Wie, and 2014 Race to the Globe winner Lydia Ko, as well as many other well-known players on the leading tours. Leadbetter has published numerous golf instruction books, including his latest The A Swing: The Revolutionary Alternative Approach to Great Golf, which will be released in May 2015.


Recently diagnosed with cataracts, Leadbetter sought care with Dr. Shoemaker, one of the most experienced and renowned cataract surgeons in the country. “Champion-caliber golfers from around the world depend on David’s eyesight to stay at the top of their game,” said Dr. Shoemaker. “Our Laser Cataract Surgery procedure will prove to be a life-changing difference, providing outstanding, glasses-free vision.”

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Written by Center for Sight

Center For Sight is one of the nation’s leading multi-disciplinary physician groups. We provide ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology, and aesthetic services. With several locations throughout Southwest Florida, we proudly offer our patients convenient access to nationally-renowned surgeons, compassionate staff members, and cutting-edge technology.

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