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Three Prominent Optometry Practices in Southwest Florida Partner with US Eye

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(Dec. 28, 2020, Fort Myers, Florida) – Three leading optometry practices in Southwest Florida; Bayside Eye Center, Fort Myers Eye Center and Valentine Eye Care, have partnered with US Eye and Center For Sight. These partnerships represent a continued expansion of US Eye and its partner practices to deliver the highest level of patient care in the Southwest Florida market.

Center For Sight is a founding member practice of US Eye, a physician-led, patient-centric network of eye care practices committed to providing exceptional patient service through premium technology and unrivaled provider expertise.

All three practices will assume the well-known local brand name, Center For Sight, bringing the total number of Center For Sight clinics in Southwest Florida to fourteen. During the transitional period, the three practices will integrate their operations with the US Eye model to enrich patient care and expand service offerings, while maintaining the same close personal relationships each provider has built with their patients over the years.

“Dr. Todd Lang, Dr. Bradley Middaugh and Dr. Daniel Valentine have been serving patients in Southwest Florida for decades, establishing themselves as elite eyecare providers in the region,” said David Shoemaker, M.D., founder and CEO of Center For Sight and US Eye. “Center For Sight now operates practices in Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte, Collier and Lee counties. The three additional practice locations will connect our northern and southern offices and provide greater accessibility for our patients. It is our goal to partner with only the best and brightest providers, and Dr. Lang, Dr. Middaugh and Dr. Valentine are clearly a cut above. I am thrilled to have them on our team and these partnerships further establish Center For Sight as Southwest Florida’s premier eye care provider.”

With the addition of Bayside Eye Center, Fort Myers Eye Center and Valentine Eye Care, US Eye operates 27 clinics and three surgery centers across the Southeast United States, positioning the company as one of the largest comprehensive eye care delivery systems in the nation. US Eye is a multi-specialty practice group that offers an extensive range of ophthalmic and medical services, including laser cataract surgery; advanced intraocular lenses; all-laser LASIK; glaucoma, retina and cornea care; cosmetic facial surgery; dermatology; audiology and skin care.

About US Eye

US Eye is a leading group of patient-centric, vertically integrated multi-specialty physician practices providing patients with care in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology and cosmetic facial surgery. US Eye is based in Sarasota, Florida, employing 64 providers and approximately 600 staff members. The company currently operates 27 clinics and three ambulatory surgery centers in the Southeast United States. US Eye is owned by its partner practices and is backed by Pamlico Capital, a Charlotte, North Carolina-based firm investing in founder-owned businesses for over 30 years. Learn more about US Eye at

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Written by Center for Sight

Center For Sight is one of the nation’s leading multi-disciplinary physician groups. We provide ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology, and aesthetic services. With several locations throughout Southwest Florida, we proudly offer our patients convenient access to nationally-renowned surgeons, compassionate staff members, and cutting-edge technology.

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