Brian Marhue, O.D.

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Dr. Brian Marhue, O.D. - Optometric Physician

Brian Marhue, O.D.

Optometric Physician

Dr. Marhue is a board-certified optometric physician that provides a wide variety of primary eye care to patients. He completed his bachelor’s degree and Doctor of Optometry degrees at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He completed externships at Omega Eye Care Center, Piedmont Medical Center, Birmingham V.A. Medical Center and the Sparks Center for Developmental Vision Clinic. 

Dr. Marhue’s present and past memberships include Students of Optometry Serving Humanity, the Trinidad and Tobago Optometrists Association, Florida Surgical Eye Expeditions, the American Optometric Association, the Florida Optometric Association and the Southwest Florida Optometric Association. 

He served as the president of the Southwest Florida Optometric Association for over four years and has participated in multiple eye mission trips to Trinidad, Guatemala and El Salvador. 

Born in Trinidad, he completed high school and started college in Toronto and completed his last years of undergraduate and professional training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He served as the Director of Optometry at the Eye Centers of Florida for 14 years before joining Southwest Florida Eye Care as a partner which is now part of Center For Sight

Dr. Marhue has lived in Fort Myers since 1991. He loves spending any time he gets with his two wonderful adult children, Aaron and Brittnie. He and his wife Tricia enjoy their families, hiking, cycling, soccer and fishing.

Location served: Southwest Florida Eye CareFort Myers

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