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Patients at Center For Sight Among First in Southwest Florida with Access to Topography-Guided LASIK Surgery

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SARASOTA, Fla. (May 18, 2021) – Center For Sight is now providing LASIK patients with topography-guided surgery with the WaveLight® EX500 Excimer Laser. The machine, developed by Alcon, personalizes the procedure by customizing laser treatment based on the patient’s unique cornea shape. Topography-guided LASIK not only helps patients with myopia or astigmatism, but it can treat patients with abnormal corneal surfaces who in the past may not have been candidates for surgery.

As the fastest total refractive platform in the United States, the Alcon Refractive Suite provides a precise, secure and comfortable experience for the patient, who remains on the portable bed that transfers them between machines during the procedure. Remaining in a stationary position results in increased safety and comfort for the patient. The new EX500 laser uses high pulse frequency with a reduced thermal load, allowing for the treated areas of the eye to cool before receiving additional laser pulses. The system operates on its own network that is hardwired and secure, thereby ensuring no disruptions during data transfer when prepping for surgery.

“Achieving the best visual outcomes with the safest technique possible has always been our goal,” said William Lahners, M.D., F.A.C.S., medical director and LASIK, cataract and lens replacement surgeon at Center For Sight. “That’s why having the most advanced and integrated technology is critical to our practice. The EX500 provides extraordinary accuracy for LASIK patients due to the increase in customization capabilities and decrease in marginal error.”

The patient’s personalized refractive procedure begins at the WaveLight® TOPOLYZER® Vario Diagnostic Device, which photographs and analyzes the eye using 22,000 unique elevation points on the cornea. Using this ablation profile, the LASIK procedure then involves two main steps: First, making a flap with the iFS® Femtosecond laser and second, reshaping the cornea with the EX500 Excimer laser. With the help of the topography guided ablation profile, the laser is designed to automatically adjust pulse placement for excellent precision and improved customization. The EX500 sets the industry standard by utilizing wavefront optimized technology in every procedure, unlike other lasers where this technology is optional and typically at an extra cost. This combination makes every LASIK procedure performed at Center For Sight an all-laser, blade-free procedure utilizing either wavefront optimized or topography guided treatment.

Dr. Lahners was one of the United States Food and Drug Administration principal investigators for the wavefront treatment clinical trial. “The realistic goal of wavefront technology and topography guided treatments is to not just eliminate the need for glasses, but in many patients to provide them with better quality vision than they had even in glasses,” said Lahners.

For more than 30 years, the surgeons at Center For Sight have helped individuals from the West Coast of Florida and around the world enjoy great vision with the latest technologies and unmatched surgical experience. The latest refractive surgical procedures are offered, including LASIK, Epi-LASEK, refractive lens exchange, intra-corneal implants and implantable contact lenses.

William J. Lahners, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a fellowship trained expert in All-Laser Lasik and Laser Cataract Surgery and has been performing these and other procedures for over 20 years. On a yearly basis he performs more laser vision correction procedures than 99% of the doctors in the country. He has been regularly selected as a Top Doctor (Castle Connolly) by his peers, has earned the Achievement Award by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, has been chosen by Premier Surgery Magazine as one of the 300 most influential ophthalmologists in the world and is involved in clinical research. Dr. Lahners serves as the medical director at Center For Sight, US Eye and is a past medical director of the Lions Eye Institute in Tampa.

For more information about LASIK surgery or to schedule your consultation, visit

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Written by Center for Sight

Center For Sight is one of the nation’s leading multi-disciplinary physician groups. We provide ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology, and aesthetic services. With several locations throughout Southwest Florida, we proudly offer our patients convenient access to nationally-renowned surgeons, compassionate staff members, and cutting-edge technology.

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